Sunday, March 8, 2009

Back to Square One

Just got back from a run for the first time in, oh...since Bush was in office. What a horrendous idea! Felt truly, truly awful. I blame Scottolance Johnstrong. It's not enough for him to bike everywhere, he has to run as well? Talk about guilting Fatty McButterpants* into a fitness program.

Beautiful day. Almost shockingly so - two in a row? In March? Will President Obama usher in an early spring along with scientific progress, universal health care, positive foreign relations, free tacos for all and a booming economy? Pushing 60 on a weekend in early March - now that's change I can believe in!

Although now after cooling down, drinking 10 glasses of water, and taking a few Bayer to stave off cardiac arrest, I feel pretty good. It's the kind of relief that can only come from being revived from clinical death.

A good thing: This? Great running tunes.

Another good thing: Turning the clocks forward. This is one of my favorite times of the year, because I love a) warm weather, b) sun, c) long days. And this time around I have the small bonus of not really losing an hour of sleep since Mass DUA has remarkably flexible hours.#

*F. McButterpants, for the purposes of this discussion, is I, recent compliments to the contrary notwithstanding.

#This is actually a gigantic negative. Just being folksy.


Anonymous said...

Registration for the Harpoon 5 miler (June 6) opens on April 1. Let's rock it.

MRhé said...

Ah! There's a good chance I'll be up for this. I've looked at it the last couple years but it was always full. That'll be fun.