Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"When Will Obama Concede?"

This one's straight out of the "deranged narcissism of the Clintons" file (nod to Jeffrey Toobin from last night on CNN, who absolutely ripped Billary apart in thoroughly entertaining fashion).

Think any of her supporters are in denial?

Thanks to The Stump for the link.

Addendum from the above entry:

Let Hillary know we will never concede to Obama’s race-baiting, gay-bashing, woman-hating campaign of deception and distraction. On to Denver!


Anonymous said...

I e-mailed Senator Clinton today and applauded her with a job well done. I wanted her to be the first woman president of the USA. I was filled with pride when I voted for her here in California. She will continue to receive my support as she fights for us in the Senate or in any other position.

But I have to say, she must concede and it's now time to support Senator Obama as our presidential candidate and support the Democrat party. We must defeat McCain. Are you happy with the Bush Administration? I'm not. Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, with minor differences, believe in the same issues as I do. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama are for womens right to choose - McCain is not and will appoint a judge to overtun Roe v. Wade. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama are for Healthcare for all - McCain is not. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama supported the GI Bill for our veterans - McCain said this bill was too generous and did not vote. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama are for ending the war in Iraq - McCain is for a 100 year war. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama are against war with Iran - McCain is for war with Iran. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama have a plan for our economy -McCain knows nothing about the economy.

So please people, think about these important issues before you decide to vote for McCain out of anger or revenge. And if you do vote for McCain, you will be voting against everything that Hillary stands for and I refuse to be in that group.

Be smart and vote Democrat.

MRhé said...

Er...have you seen my sidebar?

Unless you're using a more general "you."