Stock City, USA: The Turkey Soup Capital of the World
On what is probably (hopefully) for me the last soup-making weekend until the fall, I made some turkey soup with the leftover roast turkey meat and carcass from my visit to the 'rents last weekend. Mom never fails to load me down with comestibles. I spent some time yesterday making the stock, and then put the ingredients together today to make this lovely soup:
I just had a bowl. Delish, unsurprisingly. Needs to sit overnight to give the flavors a chance to meld. Also I think it needs a bit more seasoning. I immediately froze a bunch. I'm going to try to eat the rest this week, because we are on the cusp of weather in which hot soup just doesn't work for me.
Take a look at the absurd amount of stock I made:
All that is now in the freezer. And this is after I filled up that gigantic pot with stock! No idea how much this is, but I could easily fill my tub and bathe in it, if I were so inclined. I wonder if turkey stock has skin-renewal properties?
Note that I froze it in several smaller containers for ease of storage and ease of use. Makes far more sense to thaw one of those smaller amounts to use for cooking than that big honkin' tub o' stock. Also note the space purposely left in each container - that liquid expands when frozen.
Bottom line is that I have an overstock of stock at present.
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