Saturday, March 1, 2008


I'm back after a well-deserved day of rest. Blog365 has been enjoyable thus far, although tough at times. But quality and frequency of content is what my vast readership has come to expect; how can I disappoint? I don't have time for a big entry today, but I do have a few items of note:

  • Had a new biz meeting on the Cape yesterday to which I drove a Zipcar, specifically a Ford Escape. First time I've used Zipcar - a pretty awesome service! (Not a huge fan of the Escape, however - the gas/brake were a bit touchy. Then again I've driven once prior in the past 14 months.)
  • I thought this week's ep. of LOST was great, but I am an unabashed fanboy at this point. They could do an entire episode of Hurley going grocery shopping and I'd be riveted. Very cool consciousness time-travel, and the way they did it was pretty effective. One thing I like about the show, which my Mom actually pointed out, was that it "felt like I was watching a different show," i.e. there are so many storylines that each week can feel like an entirely different experience. Some might say this goes too far from the main plot of the show; I like the multitudinous plot lines and loose ends.
  • Very lucky girl
  • Pics of Pickin' Tuesday unleashed in the Globe by way of She Who Was Once a Blogger; also, it's a recommended $7 donation nowadays. Inflation's a bitch.
  • Hellooo Beth Lauck!
  • Absolutely loving reading this
  • Went home last night to recover from a fairly hectic week, do laundry, and have a delicious breakfast this morning courtesy of Mom - pancakes and bacon. And I seem to have acquired several foodstuffs for my own kitchen before I headed back to the No. End.
  • The most recent episode of The Wire was just incredible. I won't go into details because I know there are several readers who would kill me if I revealed spoilers, but it was one of the tightest, most emotionally-charged eps yet. This show doesn't let up. It will be bittersweet once it's over.
  • Hat tip to my Mom for sending me this link. An interesting, if not entirely surprising article (I work in marketing). What is fascinating to me is not that the brain can influence our perceptions per se, but how strong this influence can be. Pretty amazing stuff. And did that $5 bottle really taste the best? Perhaps my long-standing affinity for boxed vino is no longer just a quaint idiosyncrasy of my otherwise cosmopolitan palate.
  • Tonight I'm off to Dr. Raven & Mr. O'Connor's luxurious abode for Rock Band and some HTFO. Looking forward to it.
  • I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I cannot wait for the primaries this upcoming Tuesday. Go'Bama!
  • Actually I guess this was pretty sizable, relatively.


Anonymous said...

I've got to give you props for the proper etiquette when addressing us. We are indeed Dr. Raven and Mr. O'Connor. You'd be amazed the number of people who get this wrong.

Anonymous said...

sidenote: a little interent research will yield the "contra" like code to unlock all the various songs on RB..