Subway Life Lessons: On the Red Line
Random people tend to talk to me on the subway. I'm not sure what it is - Do I look friendly? Am I perceived to be a good audience for unsolicited commentary? A helpful resource? Do I just stand too close to the loonies while waiting for the T?
Last night was no exception, as an imposing, bald, goatee-sporting gent, thoroughly soused - looked like a biker (his words) - sought my help to attack the insurmountable problem of locating the proper train (the Braintree line, being one of two possible options) and befriended me for the trip home.
After at first fearing for my life, in 20 minutes conversing with this chap I learned:
- Life is a f---ing game
- Confidence is key in any situation - business, interviews, first date, etc.
- Learn to play chess when everyone else is playing checkers (metaphorically speaking)
- The market's a funny thing (both job and asset markets)
- Life's all about making money (corollary: do what you love but if you make money doing it then you don't work a day in your life)
- Get into political campaigning to make a lot of money
- His buddies were all good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good people
- Conversations with drunk people are really annoying when you're sober (my own conclusion)