Thursday, April 30, 2009

Video Thursday

Here's a short documentary about Louie, the guy who rides his tricycle around Boston making what sounds like a siren noise. Most people who have been around Boston will recognize this guy:

Louie from Brian Moore on Vimeo.

Thanks to Scottobike Pedalsabunch for the link.

An effective visualization of 'Bama's stated budget cuts. People do have trouble with putting these numbers in the proper perspective:

Via the stridently Republican h0tƒøöt.

A hilarious mashup of Snatch and Star Wars, with Brick Top as Vader. If you don't know Snatch it won't be as funny (and if you don't know SW then you need to KY, frankly), but still amusing to hear the wacky, bawdy, cockney Brick Top. Dialogue is rather profane, if you're skittish about such things:

Via 'Otfoot.

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