Saturday, April 11, 2009

Exponential Growth

My MacBook is chock full of crap. My hard drive is jammed to the gills; I'm playing with mere megs of elbow room these days as I figure out which of my 3,452 songs I can delete, or finally go through all my photos and clean them up and archive them.

Or get rid of all my "files" on Scotticus.

I was talking with my Dad and of course he had an extra external hard drive lying around collecting dust, so he gave it to me. Score!

He mentioned that he recently bought a 500GB drive for $89 or thereabouts; back when he got our first computer, an Apple IIGS (which was an amazing, superior machine in its day), he eventually bought a 45MB - that's megs, not gigs - external hard drive for about $389, plus another $100 for a SCSI card for the thing - that's almost 500 clams for a mere extra 45MB. At the time, that was a lot of memory.

That's 11,111% more memory for less than 1/5th the price. Of course this was back about 1989 or so, so it was 20 years ago. Still, pretty amazing when you think about it.

Or is the real amazing thing that that was 20 years ago?!? Criminy.

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