Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chez MRhé's First Blog Award!

I'd like to thank the blogosphere...

Susan over at Transient Travels (unique, awesome travel blog) has been kind enough to give me the Honest Scrap award.

The rules of the award are: [1] Choose a minimum of 7 blogs for brilliance in content/design. [2] Show the winners and let ‘em know. [3] List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

About me? How uninteresting. But here we go:

  1. If the presidential election had been held in November 2007, I would have voted for John McCain.
  2. I love cooking and I'm a really excellent chef. I'm also very humble.
  3. I've never lived outside of New England (grew up in MA and went to college in NH; never lived abroad).
  4. Although I love living in Boston and could easily see myself ending up here eventually long term, I want to live somewhere very different for a while before I settle permanently (probably the West Coast, given that the weather here is so uncivilized).
  5. Traveling is one of my favorite things in the world, and I haven't done anywhere near enough of it.
  6. I'm currently enjoying the upside of unemployment.
  7. I love dancing and karaoke although I'm not particularly good at either.
  8. I once had a guest appearance playing the bongos with "The Astronots" at a performance at the Lone Pine Tavern, Collis Student Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Winter Term '01-'02.
  9. I haven't been on a date since Bush was in office.
  10. I generally don't like internet memes, but I do enjoy being meta, ironic, and self-referential. I also happen to be mainlining social media these days.
  11. I spent a fair amount of time thinking about this list, and I was prepared to launch into a soul-baring tell-all discussing love, heartbreak, and all the mysteries and vicissitudes of life.
  12. But I didn't.
I’m passing this award along to…

Nobody Listens to Techno (Because she loves these things even though she hates me.)

The Scottosphere (Brilliant content; minimalist yet effective grayscale design.)

Irish Whiskey Makes Me Frisky (Giving the future magistrate and nobleman an excuse to blog again.)

Foonyor Barzane (For the ex-pat perspective.)

We are not Martha
(Amazing food/cooking blog. The two ladies can each do one...or combo...or ignore me. Their choice!)

FiveThirtyEight (I know, I know, but how cool would that be?)

Fire Joe Morgan (Trying to bring them out of retirement. That was one of my favorite blogs! The advent of baseball season brings a tear to my eye.)

Now we return you to our regularly scheduled politics, high f'nance, and travelogue transcription.


Anonymous said...

I recently went to Do Re Me Karaoke in Allston with a client from Japan, it was crazy - you should go.