Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blogging & Bacon: The Bacon Explosion

Two people (thanks Mom and Cheese) sent this NYT article to me yesterday, so I felt obligated to blog about it.

Also, it's about bacon.

A little something called the Bacon Explosion, a concoction of woven bacon-wrapped sausage-wrapped bacon. A yule log of pork. This thing is simply incredible. I would love to be able to try it one day, although I can feel my blood pressure rising just looking at it.

It's a neat little article, but its main point isn't about the obscene nature of its subject food, but rather the efficacy of social media in getting the word out.


Anonymous said...

I guess you didn't see my post on the subject a couple of days ago... Totally brought to mind the mini-hot-dogs-wrapped-in-bacon from Maine that one summer. Bacon up that sausage!

MRhé said...

Indeed I did not! I'm way behind on my Google Reader these days.

Yeah it's like sausage wrapped in bacon 9.0 optimized.