Sunday, December 14, 2008

MRhé Wisdom Watch

In a bit shamelessly lifted from Benoc (who shamelessly lifted it from Newsweek), I humbly submit the first edition of the MRhé Wisdom Watch, which may or may not become a recurring feature.

v Blagojevich: Awful hair, worse violation of public trust.

<-> Billary: Dubious but hopeful.

<-> Glazed bacon: Glazing is good; burning is bad.

^ Celts: Off to best start in franchise history (again).

^ Queso: Hot, spicy, cheesy deliciousness - and that's just the kind that comes in a jar.

v Bailouts: Taxpayers should not support a flawed industry. How about bailing out the taxpayers?

<-> Print: Ad revenue is plummeting for a dinosaur medium. But there's something ineffable about the tactility of the Weekend Journal and Sunday Globe.

<-> Shellfish: Easy, versatile, and delicious. (But one bad clam can be a disaster.)

^ Obama: He has yet to take office, so he has yet to stumble off the pedestal.


rooroo said...

yo slut are you going the 90norfolk party on saturday?

MRhé said...

@rooroo: I'm obligated to attend to make it an enjoyable event for everyone else.