Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Quality Kwanzaa, Enjoyable Secular Time Off, etc.

My very best wishes to you and yours on this Xmas Eve. Everything isn't all peaches and cream right now, but I will leave you with the wise words of today's fortune from Billy Tse's lunch, which is oddly fitting for our current situation:

Be willing to believe in anything that is good.
Be it our POTUS-elect, American business, catfish tacos, off-key John Denver songs or the Broseph's spinach & artichoke dip, I'll buy that (and I did, for $10.19).


Nichole said...

Happy holidays to you too! I hope they are going well for you. Did Santa find your house or were you a bad boy this year?

MRhé said...

This year, as in all my 28, I was a very good boy - probably to my detriment - and yes, Santa found my house and was quite generous.