"He's got the bloodlines."
Ah, America!
And Part 2, if you'd like to feel even worse about your fellow citizens today.
Ah, America!
Posted by
12:01 AM
Categories: Barack Obama, Election 2008, John McCain, Politics, Race, Sarah Palin, Society, United States, Video
I agree: not particularly surprising. That makes it all the worse. Thanks for the comment.
While I agree that this stuff is odious, is it really any worse than even the slyly unstated work of such charming commentators as Mrhe, who says "Not particularly surprising...' -- apparently dismissing his recent post re 'The Palin Oval Office' [colorful dead aardvark and more], the gentle silence of insinuations being so much more charming that outright or forthright speech. PS: Obama takes in $150M and McCain a paltry by comparison $84M in September: Which is the fiscal moderate? ANSWER: Neither. They both complain about the waste of money in Presidential campaigns and political spending and them both race like fury to generate untold dollars, putting either one in pretty fair shape for future political importance should it be their campaign that fails, the Clinton story of success: accumulate with unfettered exuberance and spend judiciously, surgically, to win your objectives. They've both got the bloodlines, so to speak. In other words, while the first of those two women you showcase is unabashed in her outspokenness, our two candidates are merely audacious, but you think it is that woman who deserves your approbation. THAT, Wax (Mike), is what makes it all the worse.
@Doc: Yes, I think it is far worse. Blatant racism/ignorance in this regard is of an entirely different character than a parody (and not much exaggeration involved there) of Palin's character and politics.
I say not particularly surprising because it isn't - America has come a long way but there are still large portions of the populace who live in abject ignorance and feed on the racism and fear that are shamelessly reinforced by such entities as Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign, officially and unofficially so.
I'm not sure what to say about your comment on the money. It's absurd, yes, but such is the modern media-driven presidential campaign. Ad space costs major bucks. I see nothing wrong with the candidates spending whatever resources they have to get elected, as long as the acquisition of those resources is legal and fair. As to how much they will/would spend in the White House, I don't disagree that it will be equally absurd. I'm hoping it will at least be more efficiently done.
The comments in the video are so far outside the realm of reasonable political discourse and human decency that I'm surprised you would equate it with political satire like palinaspresident.us.
And it's the woman in the video, those like her, McCain, his VP pick, and his campaign who deserve my approbation.
I am likely to use the word "you" in what follows, and probably use it a lot, but that does not mean it refers to YOU unless I say so by using some giveaway line that says YOU: this is not a perfect solution (because YOU tends to shout like an accusation I will not intend), but it's about the best I can imagine for the moment.
RE Mrhe's "...but there are still large portions of the populace who live in abject ignorance and feed on the racism and fear that are shamelessly reinforced by such entities a..."
Dear Mrhe, I am surprised YOU fail to see the similarity between that stunt YOU call satire or parody and then would dare to use the excuse YOU provide (see above). What I see in all of this stuff is the same thing wearing a different mask as it pulls a heist: people intent on winning over the already prone to be influenced and the already convinced, but each wearing a different suit -- one with grease spots of its daily work spattered on its uniform or workclothes and the other dressed in something s/he calls a suit. What is that difference really? "What it looks like." That is to say it is the very same dirty outfit, but that those who would pretend to some sort of particular elevation above the merely educated and downtrodden, the same folks their Political Prophet would have you believe he is out to 'Save!,' the same folks you would pretend to side with over 'the dirty stink'n rich,' are really beneath your contempt even if you, at one time or another before your own elevation through education, may have sorted among and with. (This is and has been a major complaint with me: those of us who come up from among people who never had the opportunity of truely hbigher education suddenly determine we have risen above "all that" and begin to deny the logic of their lives and being, begin to despise their rationales for being as contemptuous things unworthy of consideration and deserving only our approbation. We do it right down to the level of our own changed speech patterns. Do we think they do not notice? That they are not hurt by it? And THEN we turn around and subject their ways to comedic treatments and think we have done good? There is a reason for this and I will explain it: turn to my blog for that.)
Here is the difference between the McCain-Palin team and the Obama-Biden team: one has a record of achievements on several levels, some owing to family and professional connections (in common with the other team) and some owing to matters of personal character that rise to a level of extraordinary service beyond self. The other has a record of achievements owing directly to matters of a particular advantage that came into the world beginning before but blooming about the time I graduated from high school: likewise for Joe Biden also), which were tied to the opportunity of education beyond our grandparents and parents and even, in some cases, the greater numbers of our classmates. And those same opportunities began to multiply and become more sophisticated in their nature and diversity from the commonplace ~ that Joe Biden and I now look back and to think were extraordinary for their time ~ and that Barack Obama was able to make advantage of. That difference may SEEM to subtle to distinguish, but it is a great one that deserves greater attention than those who once read but now forget their Lenin and Trotsky credit. John McCain is not a great orator; Barack Obama is a very accomplished orator. Sarah Palin is not a great orator; Joe Biden is an experienced and accomplished debater (indeed, he shows signs of probably having been part of a debate society at one time or another, as does Obama). On that level, which is the level on which the actual comedic treatments are being delivered, McCain-Palin must lose. But on the level of substance that admits to the lessons of history while having exhibited the quiet character of personal integrity, both stand far taller than their opponents [and in saying that, I do not for one second deny the particular factors of character that HAVE been exhibited by Obama and, in particular, Joe Biden over the course of their own lives: but those do not stand so tall in my mind, largely because they end up being examples of self serving masquerading as greatness based on mere words.] On that note of that aside, let me return to talk of words: they are powerful and, especially when printed in statute, are more powerful than most folks or organizations of folks (like a nation, for example, wherein the law as divined to be written by nine judges can redirect the actions of a nation). BUT there remains the adage to watch what one does, not one says one will or has done. By that measure I adjudge that it is safer and wiser to vote for McCain-Palin over Obama-Biden (I have read Joe's proscriptions for the war in Iraq, for example, and find that when offset to another venue or time, they will not hold up, and so I believe as VP>P he is yet more dangerous than his counterpart would be (my examples having been other plain and eminently forgettable characters BUT FOR HISTORY as Harry S. Truman, whose presidency I recall although only vaguely, but whose presidency we ALL now remember as having been great: he too was one of the despised plain folks whose inner jewel was finally given breathing room -- in short, one of the pairs is really self-bootstrapped to public notice, and the other pair has been led there by the helping hand of good luck and opportunities that have not tried their mettle to the same degree -- this is, I know, not a perfect way of dividing the baby, but I know I hear the screaming from one mother and the self-justifications of the other, so I am opting for a Solomonic best guess).
I know YOU may disagree with 100% of what I reason to be so and there you have it: differing views. I am pretty used to it by now for I have had different views from folks all my life, and now some of those same folks come to me for advice...or sometimes unexpectedly to remark positively on my own character "just because I'd like you to know that how I think of you." Sometimes, I have chuckled and told them, "Thank you...but you might be interested to know...I've changed my mind on that issue." YOU know, Mrhe, like Emerson.
See you over at the blog later today!
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