"Why Jesse Jackson Hates Obama"
A good op-ed from Shelby Steele in the WSJ, methinks.
A good op-ed from Shelby Steele in the WSJ, methinks.
Posted by
10:15 PM
Categories: Barack Obama, Commentary, Election 2008, Jesse Jackson, People, Politics, United States
This piece is far far better than merely "good," Mhre -- it is a powerful direct statement of the sensed truth of the best of the Obama promise ~ something quite improved over an incessant call for "change." Good, then! for Mr. Steele. He has performed a true service that can lead all citizens either into an Obama-won election or beyond it if Obama loses...the former more clearly than the latter, I perceive. It also comes at a good time for me owing to a conversation I am pursuing with Wax in consideration of the "what if" should Obama lose: can Obama supporters rally around the governance that would follow or would they simply vilify and reject it, which has seemed the more likely course for some among them; and what about McCain supporters should Obama win: what would you, an "Everything for the O" kind of guy, think the McCain supporters should do if Obama wins -- cave into depression and whining, or stand up and move ahead with the nation? The two sides of this question have entranced me over recent weeks, and I think it quite worth speculating about, diagnosing, like a Good Doctor should.
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