Friday, July 25, 2008

Linda's Calling

I'm going to be spending a long weekend at the Linda down in pleasant Green Harbor, MA with Rigs and the Barrett clan. Guest appearances by: Funndee, Nichole, and ShazAmrys as well as Am's Paul, Rigs' Jenny (maybe she can go to the Genny?) and Dr. Goodbeers. I'm currently stocking up on A-side material for the weekend, but I'll likely test out some newer stuff to see if it plays. Gotta pay tribute to the classics but try to work in some avant garde stuff, you know?

This will be the first reunion of the Triumvirate (Rigs, Funndee and I) in a helluva long time. Cheers to that!

Probability of a rousing game of Numa Pompilius occuring: 75%

Probability of the Cadillac of poker making an appearance: 85%

Probability of hazardously high levels of schtonk: 99.44%

Probability of bacon-wrapped bacon: hopefully 1,000%


Anonymous said...

What's it take to get invited to these parties?

Nichole said...

Funndee? Sounds like something you stab with a stick and dip into cheese.