Monday, June 30, 2008

For the Record:

You know that really hot mustard that comes with Chinese food? I didn't like it for most of my life.

But now I do.


Anonymous said...

Wasabi mustard ~ I always ask for a bit more, but I can readily imagine that a 12 year old child might not face her/his first encounter with the stuff with a smile: it is sharp and pungent as smelling salts, which is why (I presume) I like it, insomuch as it clears the sinuses all the way to the top of the capital dome, so to speak, and then creeps its way slowly in retreat until it reaches the optic nerve...unless another taste causes the process to reverse with that thrill of bravenewworldrevisited cognizance of an original taste. You didn't like it, now you do. Makes sense to yer doc, who also reports that it is good for stimulating the heart ~ or causing it to stop.