Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day? Oh yeah.

Historically I scramble at the last minute to get my taxes done, and 4/15 comes upon me as the most unwelcome of all dates. But this year? It barely registers, because I submitted my taxes a couple months back. Feels pretty good. Now there's nothing for me this evening but a house call from Dr. Goodbeers and leftover Hot Tomatoes pizza.

Here's to TCB!

All systems currently running MRhé 9.0 Optimized.


Anaka said...

How very prudent of you . . .I was up until 1AM last night filing away.

Anonymous said...

What is Hot Tomatoes?

MRhé said...

It's a nice little pizza/sub place next door to my apt.

Anonymous said...

Do they serve some sort of sub sandwich?

MRhé said...

They sell all manner of sub sandwiches, pizza sandwiches, salad sandwiches, and even sandwich sandwiches.

And wine sandwiches.

Foonyor said...

Colour me impressed at your industry!