Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bodymore, Murdaland: The Wire Series Finale

I finally had the chance to watch the Season 5 finale last night. A fitting end to the best American television drama ever. The Wire felt so true to life - much of it seemed like a documentary. It portrayed Ugly America, from the gangbangers in the streets to the dirty cops to the corrupt politicians - everyone has an agenda, and everyone's out to score an extra buck at the expense of others.

There is redemption for some, but for the most part The Wire shows us how life in the streets works - politicians get elected and forget about their social programs; criminals are killed or incarcerated, only to be replaced by younger, more vicious participants in the drug trade; and the guilty and innocent alike suffer under the circle of misery that is a part of our America - otherwise an America of extraordinary wealth, opportunity, and promise.

The Wire will always be there to show us the tragic side of our great America. It is brutal in its honesty and indiscriminate in its blame for America's social ills. It is a true masterpiece.