Saturday, February 2, 2008

LOST Is Back!

I just finished watching the Season 4 premiere of LOST. I am psyched that the show is finally back! This is the one and only network TV show that is a must-see for me every week. It's a fantastic drama - despite being a bit flawed, melodramatic and overblown in places - that has excellent characters, action, adventure, and plotlines that divide and multiply faster than a petri dish full of bacteria. Great to see all the old favorites back on screen: Jack, Locke, Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, Ben, Jin, Sayid, Ben, Hurley. If the premiere is any indication, the "flash-forward" introduced in the Season 3 finale will be a recurring narrative technique. More questions have been posed than answered, of course: Who is on the boat, if it's not Penny's team? Why does everyone want to go back to the Island? Who are the "Oceanic Six"? What is the big secret that Jack doesn't want Hurley to reveal? Is Evangeline Lilly still with Dominic Monaghan? These are the questions that dominate the minds of LOST's fans. Good stuff, though. Can't wait for this week's episode. ABC has Seasons 1-3 available for free in streaming video. This is perfect. I often cannot commit to a Thursday night viewing, and I might want to review a few earlier episodes.

And how about that sudden appearance by Lance Reddick ("Cedric Daniels" from The Wire)! Things are starting continuing to get be interesting. Looks like he may be a new addition to the cast this season, which is simply awesome. Great actor with a quiet intensity. Love him on HBO's The Wire.