Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Go Obama!

Watching the primary returns last night on CNN was simply riveting. I've never been so engaged in politics. CNN did a great job with seemingly every analyst in the country in the studio breaking down the implications of every single ballot.

Barack Obama had a fantastic showing nationally. He won more states than Clinton and showed he could win all across the US, with wins in AK, MO, UT, CO, ID, MN, CT, KS, ND, AL, DE, IL, and GA. As of this writing, he has the slimmest of leads in NM (71 votes!) with 98% of the precincts reporting. Hillary Clinton had a few major wins including MA, NY, and CA, but Obama was able to capture a good portion of CA delegates due to their being doled out proportionately according to congressional district in every state. Quite an exciting race as Obama won MO by a few thousand votes (mainly due to his winning the population-dense cities). It was fantastic to see him keep coming up on the projected winner graphics.

He and Hillary are practically neck and neck. She has a ~70 delegate advantage, but considering that they need 2,000+ to win they are extremely close. The upcoming primaries are going to decide this race. If you have an upcoming primary, please go vote. You should do this anyway, and vote your conscience. But take a long, hard look at Barack Obama. I truly believe this man can help us change our country for the better.

If you've already voted, you can still affect this race! Volunteer, make a donation - we need to help get Obama's name out to the remaining voters. A little time, effort and money here can add up. Every vote will count, quite literally, in this primary election. I am really fired up for Obama now, and I would absolutely hate to see him lose this.

Women: Please don't vote for Hillary just because she's a woman! There will be a time when the best candidate is a woman; that time is not now.

Also - check out's note below the video at It's a simple statement of emotion, idealism, and inspiration, and how a small effort can help start a movement.

Yes we can!