Happy Blogoversary!
To Chez MRhé! On this day a year ago Chez MRhé in its current incarnation made its Blogosphere debut. It's been a long, strange road. The original Chez MRhé was a goofy personal webpage developed during the high school years. Nascent HTML abilities were groomed and developed. My web presence was pretty static through college but picked up with my first blog, Chez MRhé, hosted by Dartblogs. Dartblogs was intended to host blogs specific to Dartmouth students, faculty and alumni, and was a great idea, but it failed due to the fact that it was basically one busy guy running the show. A shame, that. The initial Chez MRhé has all but been lost in the innumerable tubes of the internets. You might still be able to stumble upon a cached Google log, but for all intents and purposes Chez MRhé (II) went the way of the dodo. This was a valuable experience for me, however, because I learned that for some reason, people kept reading whatever drivel I would post up there. Kind of fun!
In the declining months of Chez MRhé (II) I was fortunate enough to co-author the infamous TwoGrimDudes.com. This was, dare I say it, a brilliant collaborative effort that generated incalculable amounts of grim nonsense, and good times were had by all. This was also a great opportunity to develop some basic CSS skills, and I can safely say that my web development aptitude stands at a healthy quasi-competence at present. This was when I really got sucked into the Blogosphere, discovering a lot of quality blogs written by people I didn't actually know, and even making a new friend or two. It was a sad day when 2GD.com shut down, but each of us went on to other projects. I continued blogging, and 0.5 continued being grim.
And that's how I arrived at this here blog, technically Chez MRhé (III). For whatever reason I was in a bit of a blogging funk in the latter months of 2007, but I feel reinvigorated for the new year. This Blog365 provides enough pressure for me to blog daily, but in general I feel like I have a lot to say about a lot of things. This is fun, it's interesting, it's something to do - and for whatever reason, you refuse to stop reading. Keep it up and thanks for humoring me!
Happy Blogoversary to you :)
Yeah- Congrats Bro on the one year mark. Gives me something to read while at work. I thoroughly enjoy perusing this blog on a weekly basis. I was going to start a blog myself, but the world is not ready.
"the world is not ready."
Ain't that the truth.
Thanks folks!
I'm totally in agreeance with your bra. I can't even count the number of times your blog has saved me from doing work.
Also, Marc re-purposed your glazed bacon recipe last night to make pork chops. They were scary delicious.
RE " in general I feel like I have a lot to say about a lot of things"
You do. You'll have more.
Appears you are healthy and can now leave my office.
happy blogoversary.
Does Anne know that she called your brother a "bra"?
Thanks everyone!
Anne, I'm curious as to how he modified it - did he marinate the pork chops in apple cider? Or glaze them?
My brassiere appreciates your support (just as I appreciate its!)
So my subtle Zoolander reference went as misunderstood as the other 99% of things I say. I guess it would have worked better if I actually knew your brother, because then he might feel more comfortable saying something like "You're excused! And I'm not your [his] bra!"
Anyways, I didn't see the pork chops until they were about to go in the oven, so I'm not sure if there was a marinade involved. But I can tell you that he definitely did glaze them before and throughout the baking. They were the moistest.
update from the chef: "dry rub on the chops, no wet marinade, the rub actually provided a nice vehicle for the glaze to be held on with, the glaze really stuck to it."
The Sous Chef
@anne: You might want to use "brah" in the future.
I want to try these chops myself now! I haven't had pork since Bush was in office.
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