Thursday, January 24, 2008

All Dressed Up For Nothing

I love, love, love waking up early, putting on my pale yellow Polo by Ralph Lauren button-down, long-sleeve shirt with gold tie and charcoal gray suit and then getting a voice mail when I arrive at the office the morning of the new business meeting saying the prospect has decided he has no money!

Love it!

Lurve it, in fact.


anne said...

maybe I'm missing something - I'll admit I'm not an expert on menswear. But is it, like, OK to wear a tie with a polo shirt?

MRhé said...

Certainly not, that would be the height of absurdity!

It's Ralph Lauren. Long sleeves, button down. A normal shirt.

With the little polo guy on it.

So I guess technically it's a polo, but not colloquially.

Or something.

anne said...

Ok, gotcha. I was starting to get worried.

Anonymous said...

IF a tie is "light" enough to fit the collar of a polo or any other shirt, not bulking up so that it looks forced, then one may wear a tie with what one likes. _I_ won't do it but you _may_!

Of course, there are those who elude the problem and wear the tie with a T -- short or long -- and ... oh well, you see it for what that is. (They need doctoring...unless they are going to a Fools Ball - but of course many such think that anything responsible they might b e asked to do is a) menial and b) de rigeur for the 'Fools Ball' they are entangled in at work.


Susie said...

haha lurve it. That sounds really annoying, but at least you were wearing a hot outfit for the day :)

It's polo...but not a polo shirt. I guess.

Anonymous said...

Generally speaking, those types of shirts are not meant to be worn with ties. They aren't dress shirts in that sense, more like very nice business casual attire. Ralph Lauren does have a lot of nice dress shirts, but they don't have the little polo dude on them for the most part. And the only people I see who wear ties with "tennis shirts" (or the classic short sleeved Polos) are those Greenwich Village types who think it's fashionable to look awful and mismatched. I recommend Jospeh Abboud for nice shirts to wear with your suit.

MRhé said...

@Susie: Ha thanks. I actually did get quite a few compliments so I guess that's something...

@thugrhe: That Greenwich Village line made me laugh aloud. Good show.