Monday, November 26, 2007

Atheist Theology

I'm excited about the upcoming release of The Golden Compass, the first installment in a trilogy of films based on Philip Pullman's excellent His Dark Materials series. It's "young adult" fiction only in its accessibility; the themes are serious, mature, and of a deeply philosophical nature.

Evidently there has been a bit of a hue and cry from the Catholic League calling upon members of the Catholic Church to boycott the film for its alleged anti-Christian message. This article in this Sunday's Boston Globe caught my eye this evening. It talks about the condemnation the film has received (even before its release) and does an excellent job of summarizing the story and the true message in Pullman's work.

For anyone who hasn't read it, I highly recommend the trilogy. It's one of the most positive works of religious-themed fiction I've read - written by an atheist.