Independence Day
A pretty awesome 4th of July, considering the rain that started falling in the evening. I woke up bright and early yesterday morning and went with my Mom over to Castle Island in South Boston. Every 4th (and a few other times during the year) the USS Constitution has her turnaround cruise from her berth in Charlestown out to Castle Island and back. I had never been, and it was a near-perfect morning for it. Truly an awesome event to see her "sail" out (pushed by tugs), turn to face Fort Independence bow-on, and fire a 21-gun salute in an alternating rolling broadside. A 200-plus year-old piece of national history right there in the harbor. Amazing. A Tabblo of the event is forthcoming. (Here it is.)
Early that evening I met up with Scotticus, Lydia, Laura and various MIT alumni for Scottoway's birthday dinner at the inestimable Border Cafe in Harvard Square.
I had the catfish tacos. They were tremendous.

Due to the inclement weather, I didn't attend the scene down on the Esplanade, but we had a few people over to Club 259 for drinks. Our living room actually afforded us a pretty decent spot to watch the fireworks. Not too fantastic, but a fun time.

I spent rather a long time on the phone late last night with people in Harker Heights, TX, including a *certain* Dunndee, a *certain* Mean Rachel, and a certain Emily, whose hair is either strawberry blonde, dirty blonde, dirty brown(?), or red. Topics included: the quality of Dunndee's BBQ (word on the street was: good, which I found surprising), Cosper's rub, small-handed backup drummers, Scotticus, rain, the quality of Dunndee's Beirut game (word on the street was: poor, which I found unsurprising), and of course JTD (peep Joe's MySpace page - bunch of babes in his top friends!)
I somehow got roped into counting down shots of Hennessy for everyone (who shoots Hennessy?) until they killed a bottle that had been lying around since 2006. I found that even a small amount of Hennessy takes a long time for three people to drink, and that it tends to result in slurred speech on the cellophone.

Good times were had by all.
i couldn't eat anything that ever had a moustache. especially not in a taco. yew.
thats what she said...
The phone coaching was hilarious. And the fact that the bottle of Hennessey has been so many places and done so much in its life.
I was unaware that the Hennessy bottle had traveled around? Is there a story here?
Hennessey is gross by the way. And I'm sticking with strawberry blond-brown.
Fair enough. No idea why you guys drank that stuff.
And Dunndee seemed to think that you had red hair...
Mrhe, you were there when we passed the bottle of Hennessey off on you and DD45 back in January. The year before, January 2006, we had a party and someone brought the bottle and left it (half-full). When we were moving this January, my roommate and I talked you guys into taking it with you so we wouldn't have to move it or throw it away.
DD45 took it all they way back from the La Quinta (evidently spanish for "boozin") and put it on his bar.
Seven months later, we downed that thing via phone with you.
Ah yes I remember it from last New Year's, but I didn't realize it had such a storied past.
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