Monday, July 2, 2007

Google Is Awesome

For the record, I just want to state that Google is awesome. For a while I've been quasi-using Bloglines and/or the Google Reader to check on blog updates, but I don't really like reading the entries in the window format. Lacks the personality of each blog. So normally I end up clicking through all my friends' blogs and other regularly read blogs for updates. I've got a lot of blogs now that I enjoy checking frequently, but I hate jumping around to each one and checking the Reader feed just doesn't appeal to me that much.

However, Google Reader has a neat little feature called the "Next" bookmark. Go into the Reader's Settings and under the Goodies tab, you can throw up the Next bookmark (as well as a one click Subscribe bookmark). What this does is it goes to each new item in your feed, just as if you went to the page yourself. Awesome! Now I can not only check out all my updates quickly and easily, but I can also gaze lovingly upon the various little spots that each of my favorite bloggers inhabits in the Blogosphere. It's a simple little tidbit but I love it already.

Also, to add: Google's whole suite of free Web apps is just fantastic. Gmail, calendar, the iGoogle Homepage (played with this for the first time today - very customizable), Web Analytics, the Chat - it's just awesome.

Thanks, Google. I *heart* thee unabashedly.


RC said...

i enjoy google as well...all aspects of google...i'm trying to "get into" google calender...but i don't really keep a calender normally...but why not try...right?

KERaven said...

okay, the "next" feature is by far THE coolest thing. I've been using google reader from the beginning; but I agree that I'm missing something in not visiting the original pages. Plus, there are plenty of feeds that require me to click to the original page in order to see the pictures or full entry. Thanks for pointing it out. KERaven

MRhé said...

RC - Thanks for stopping by. The Calendar is neat.

KER - Ah yes, that was the other annoying thing - often you'd have to click to see the full entry anyway. Too much clicking around.

anne said...

I tried it just like you explained, but every time I click Next, it tells me I have arrived at the end of the internet. Where did I go wrong?

MRhé said...

Anne: That's Google's clever way of saying you've reached the last of your new feeds.

Also, ahem, you do need to actually subscribe to feeds for the Next button to go anywhere.

KERaven said...

"Congratulations, you've reached the End of the Internet." Guess that means I have to go back to sleep now since I've feed my hunger pains AND reached the end of the internet.

anne said...

ahem. I did subscribe, Mr. Smartypants. I figured out what the problem was, though... I had 'read' all the stuff I subscribed to without knowing it. all better now.