Saturday, February 3, 2007


First, a self-call: I broke the 200 barrier recently without fanfare. So here's my fanfare.

Secondly: Tremendous showings over last weekend by both The Hub and the U.S. Army, which went from the 1-point zone to 52 and 51, respectively.


Nichole said...

First of all, thanks for helping Chris in his campaign this weekend. I had a blast (although the sub-zero weather....) and look forward to a second jaunt. The shawl was the result of too many shots on yours and Dunndee's part (you were wearing my scarf, you don't recall?). Last, I am disappointed by the new rule. I wanted to give gratuitous points 10 more points, just because.

Mean Rachel said...

I think all points to the U.S. Army should be recanted due to the fact that the U.S. Army coined the term "deployment" and utilizes it to this day.

Thank you.

MRhé said...

Nichole: No prob, it was fun. No, I have zero recollection of wearing your scarf. I blame Jack, who showed up despite Dunndee's refusal to let him participate.

I should clarify: if said inanimate objects/thoughts/concepts etc. are already on the board, people can still attempt to give them points. I will just exercise my judgement as the only member of the Triumvirate with any power in this matter.

MR: Unfortunately, it was decided long ago that points cannot be deducted. You can blame me, because I think I awarded the 50-spot. Although to be fair, I was applauding the actual men and women of the Army as opposed to the branch itself.

But point taken.

Mean Rachel said...

MRhe: Don't you mean "point(s) taken away?"

Heh. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

I smell what you're steppin' in.
Tonight I raise a glass to the men & women of the US and Iraqi Army (can't forget about the IA, mainly so they don't kill IS2 in his sleep).