Thursday, February 8, 2007

LOST, briefly

I liked last night's episode. The first eight episodes of this third season were a mixed bag - I've been concerned with the preponderance of new characters diluting the emotional connection the audience had with the original cast. Part of me is increasingly intrigued by the weekly "Let's see what we can do next" attitude of the writers that is as compelling as it is maddening; part of me cringes at what is a potential cast- and plotline-creep problem that could spiral out of control.

But it's still the only current television show that I will not miss week-to-week, barring only the most extenuating of circumstances.

Give me more Sayyid!


Nichole said...

I heart Lost. Too bad the communists at itunes won't let me log in this week to download the latest and greatest. My latest technological crisis.

rooroo said...

i like lost but geez, let's solve at least one mystery before we add another. my "can't miss" every week: heroes.